If you’re diving into Xiaohongshu (RedNote) for the first time, you might be confused by the unique slang used in posts and comment sections. Unlike TikTok or Instagram, RedNote users love playing with words, abbreviations, and memes that don’t always translate well.
To help you navigate the platform like a pro, here’s a 50-term slang guide that will unlock the humor, inside jokes, and internet culture of RedNote.
🔥 Everyday Expressions & General Slang
1. 种草 (Zhòng Cǎo) – “Planting Grass”
Being tempted to buy something after seeing a recommendation.
💬 “我被这款护肤品种草了!” (I’m tempted to buy this skincare product!)
👉 Opposite term: 拔草 (Bá Cǎo) – “Plucking Grass” (Deciding not to buy something after learning more about it.)
2. 吃土 (Chī Tǔ) – “Eating Dirt”
Going broke after spending too much money.
💬 “双十一买太多了,现在只能吃土。” (I spent too much on Singles’ Day sales, now I’m broke.)
3. YYDS (永远的神) – “GOAT (Greatest Of All Time)”
Used to describe someone or something as legendary.
💬 “科比是篮球界的YYDS!” (Kobe is the GOAT of basketball!)
4. XSWL (笑死我了) – “ROFLMAO”
Short for “laughing to death,” used to express extreme laughter.
💬 “这条评论太搞笑了,XSWL!” (This comment is hilarious, I’m dying laughing!)
5. 666 – “Very Cool”
A way to praise someone for doing something impressive.
💬 “你的P图技术666!” (Your Photoshop skills are awesome!)
💼 Work Life: Embracing the Struggle
6. 牛马 (Niú Mǎ) – “Cattle & Horses”
A metaphor for overworked and underpaid employees, feeling like farm animals.
💬 “社畜就是牛马,干不完的活。” (Corporate slaves are just cattle and horses—endless work.)
7. 摸鱼 (Mō Yú) – “Touching Fish”
Slacking off at work, like a sneakier version of “quiet quitting.”
💬 “今天工作没干啥,就一直在摸鱼。” (I didn’t do much work today, just slacked off.)
8. 一身班味 (Yī Shēn Bān Wèi) – “Smells Like Work”
Describes the exhaustion that lingers after work, as if stress physically sticks to you.
💬 “加班到半夜,现在浑身都是班味。” (I worked overtime until midnight; now I reek of work stress.)
💘 Dating & Attraction: Expressing the Feels
9. Crush
The English word “Crush” has replaced poetic Chinese phrases for describing instant attraction.
💬 “看到他第一眼,我就Crush了。” (I had a crush on him at first sight.)
10. 被硬控了 (Bèi Yìng Kòng Le) – “Hard-Controlled”
An intense, irresistible attraction, as if you’ve lost control over your emotions.
💬 “他的长相太戳我了,我被硬控了。” (His looks hit me right in the feels; I’m totally into him!)
🧠 Social & Psychological Expressions
11. Emo
Instead of saying sad or heartbroken, just go with Emo.
💬 “最近有点emo,不想说话。” (I’m feeling kinda emo lately, don’t wanna talk.)
12. 拴Q (Shuān Q) – “Shuan Q”
A meme pronunciation of Thank You, used humorously or sarcastically.
💬 “你居然信了这个假新闻?拴Q!” (You actually believed that fake news? Shuan Q!)
13. 社恐 (Shè Kǒng) – “Socially Afraid”
Refers to someone who’s extremely socially anxious.
💬 “我太社恐了,不敢打电话。” (I’m way too socially anxious to make a call.)
14. 绝缘体 (Jué Yuán Tǐ) – “Socially Isolated Person”
Refers to someone who completely avoids social interactions and is disconnected from pop culture
💬 “我朋友根本不用小红书,完全是个绝缘体。” (My friend doesn’t use RedNote at all—total social isolate.)
💬 “这个梗他居然不懂,绝缘体无疑了。” (He doesn’t even get this meme—definitely a social isolate.)
15. 冲浪 (Chōng Làng) – “Surfing (the Internet)”
Describes actively staying updated on the latest trends and memes online, similar to “staying updated.”
💬 “每天在小红书冲浪,知道最新热梗。” (Surfing RedNote every day keeps me updated on the latest memes.)
💬 “不会冲浪就跟不上年轻人的节奏。” (If you don’t surf the internet, you can’t keep up with young people.)
16. 社恐 (Shè Kǒng) – “Socially Afraid”
Refers to someone who’s extremely socially anxious.
💬 “我太社恐了,不敢打电话。” (I’m way too socially anxious to make a call.)
17. 社牛 (Shè Niú) – “Social Butterfly”
Opposite of “社恐,” used to describe someone who is extremely outgoing and confident in social settings.
💬 “他在派对上很活跃,真是个社牛。” (He’s very active at the party—such a social butterfly.)
18. 破防 (Pò Fáng) – “Breaking Down Emotionally”
The moment when someone feels emotionally overwhelmed or crushed by bad news.
💬 “看到结局我直接破防了。” (I completely broke down after seeing the ending.)
💬 “他说的那句话太真实了,我破防了。” (What he said was too real, I broke down.)
19. 无语 (Wú Yǔ) – “Speechless”
Used to express shock, frustration, or disbelief.
💬 “他居然不知道这个常识,我真的无语了。” (He actually doesn’t know this basic fact—I’m speechless.)
💬 “无语了,这么简单的问题他都不会。” (I’m speechless, he can’t even answer such an easy question.)
20. 血压拉满 (Xuè Yā Lā Mǎn) – “Blood Pressure Maxed Out”
Used when something makes you extremely angry or frustrated.
💬 “这个人说话太气人了,我血压直接拉满。” (What he said is so annoying, my blood pressure just maxed out.)
💬 “玩游戏被坑了,血压拉满。” (Got screwed over in the game, blood pressure maxed out.)
21. 梦回 (Mèng Huí) – “Nostalgic Flashback”
Describes something that reminds you of the past in a nostalgic way.
💬 “这首歌让我梦回高中时代。” (This song takes me right back to my high school days.)
💬 “玩这个游戏梦回童年!” (Playing this game gives me childhood flashbacks!)
22. 炸裂 (Zhà Liè) – “Explosive (as in Amazing)”
Used to describe something incredibly impressive or mind-blowing.
💬 “这个舞台表演真的炸裂!” (This stage performance was absolutely explosive!)
💬 “特效炸裂,太震撼了!” (The special effects were insane—so stunning!)
23. 社死 (Shè Sǐ) – “Social Death”
Refers to experiencing extreme embarrassment in public, making you want to disappear.
💬 “当着全班的面摔了一跤,社死了。” (I tripped in front of the whole class—total social death.)
💬 “发错消息给老板,直接社死。” (Sent the wrong message to my boss—social suicide.)
24. 笑不活了 (Xiào Bù Huó Le) – “Laughing to Death”
A more dramatic way to say something is extremely funny, even more than “XSWL” (ROFLMAO).
💬 “这个评论太搞笑了,我笑不活了!” (This comment is so funny, I’m literally laughing to death!)
💬 “看到这张表情包,真的笑不活了。” (I saw this meme, and I just can’t stop laughing!)
25. 碎觉 (Suì Jiào) – “Going to Sleep (Cute Version)”
A playful or baby-talk way to say “going to sleep”, often used jokingly.
💬 “不行了,我太困了,要去碎觉了。” (I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to sleep now.)
💬 “大家早点碎觉,别熬夜。” (Everyone, go to sleep early, don’t stay up late.)
26. 逆天 (Nì Tiān) – “Defying the Heavens”
Used to describe something so amazing or overpowered that it feels unreal.
💬 “这个游戏角色技能太逆天了!” (This game character’s abilities are absolutely overpowered!)
💬 “他的反应速度简直逆天!” (His reaction speed is out of this world!)
27. 红温 (Hóng Wēn) – “Red Temperature”
Describes someone getting so emotionally worked up (angry, excited, embarrassed) that their face turns red.
💬 “听到这个消息,他瞬间红温。” (The moment he heard the news, his face turned red with excitement.)
💬 “她刚刚被夸奖了,现在红温中。” (She just got praised and is totally blushing now.)
28. 见仁见智 (Jiàn Rén Jiàn Zhì) – “To Each Their Own”
Used when opinions are divided, meaning everyone has their own perspective.
💬 “这部电影评价两极分化,见仁见智吧。” (Opinions on this movie are really divided—to each their own.)
💬 “这个游戏玩法见仁见智,有人喜欢,有人不喜欢。” (This game’s playstyle is subjective—some people love it, some don’t.)
🎭 Humor & Sarcasm: Slang for Jokes and Memes
29. 凡尔赛 (Fán’ěrsài) – “Humblebrag”
Refers to pretending to be modest while actually showing off. This term comes from the Versailles lifestyle, which symbolizes wealth and extravagance.
💬 “她每天说自己好丑但晒的都是精修图,太凡尔赛了。” (She keeps saying she’s ugly, but all her pictures are professionally edited—total humblebrag.)
💬 “今天随便穿了条裙子就被问在哪买的,哎,凡尔赛了。” (I just casually wore a dress today and got asked where I bought it… humblebrag moment.)
30. 拜拜就拜拜 (Bāi Bāi Jiù Bāi Bāi) – “Bye Means Bye”
A dismissive or sarcastic way to say goodbye, often used when you’re done with a conversation or situation.
💬 “你不想聊就算了,拜拜就拜拜。” (If you don’t want to talk, fine—bye means bye.)
💬 “他说不想继续这个话题,我就拜拜就拜拜了。” (He didn’t want to continue the discussion, so I just said ‘bye means bye.’)
31. 震惊我妈 (Zhèn Jīng Wǒ Mā) – “Shocking My Mom”
A meme phrase used to express exaggerated surprise, as if even your mom would be shocked.
💬 “这部剧的剧情反转太夸张了,直接震惊我妈!” (The plot twists in this drama are so crazy, they’re shocking my mom!)
💬 “这个价格这么低?震惊我妈!” (This price is so low? Shocking my mom!)
32. 玩梗 (Wán Gěng) – “Playing with Memes”
Refers to using or referencing internet memes in conversations.
💬 “他讲话超爱玩梗,太有趣了。” (He loves playing with memes when he talks—so funny!)
💬 “这个综艺节目真的很会玩梗。” (This variety show really knows how to use memes well.)
33. 硬控 (Yìng Kòng) – “Hard-Controlled”
Describes being irresistibly attracted to something or someone, as if losing control over your emotions.
💬 “他的长相太戳我了,我被硬控了。” (His looks hit me right in the feels; I’m totally into him!)
💬 “这个乐队的风格太对我胃口,硬控!” (This band’s style is exactly what I love—hard-controlled!)
📱 Internet & Pop Culture: Meme Essentials
34. 偷感很重 (Tōu Gǎn Hěn Zhòng) – “Sneaky Vibes Are Strong”
Used when someone is being lowkey about something.
💬 “他发自拍都不露脸,偷感很重。” (He posts selfies without showing his face—so sneaky.)
35. 搞抽象 (Gǎo Chōu Xiàng) – “Going Abstract”
Refers to acting ridiculously absurd or nonsensical, often as a way to cope with reality.
💬 “他玩游戏玩到凌晨三点,简直是搞抽象。” (He played video games until 3 AM—totally going abstract.)
36. 破大防 (Pò Dà Fáng) – “Completely Breaking Down”
A stronger version of 破防, meaning someone is mentally or emotionally devastated by something shocking or overwhelming.
💬 “看到他的婚礼照片,我直接破大防!” (Seeing his wedding photos, I completely broke down!)
💬 “这条新闻太让人难受了,破大防了。” (This news is too upsetting, I completely lost it.)
37. 见怪不怪 (Jiàn Guài Bù Guài) – “Not Even Surprised Anymore”
Used when something outrageous happens, but you’re so used to it that it no longer surprises you.
💬 “又是这种剧情,我见怪不怪了。” (It’s this kind of plot again? Not even surprised anymore.)
💬 “资本家的骚操作,见怪不怪。” (The tricks capitalists pull? Not even surprised anymore.)
38. 带带大师兄 (Dài Dài Dà Shī Xiōng) – “Take Me With You, Master”
A meme phrase used jokingly to beg someone more skilled or successful to carry or teach you.
💬 “你游戏这么强?带带大师兄!” (You’re so good at this game? Take me with you, master!)
💬 “你怎么又买到打折机票?带带大师兄!” (How did you get discounted flights again? Teach me your ways, master!)
39. 你品,你细品 (Nǐ Pǐn, Nǐ Xì Pǐn) – “Think About It, Really Think About It”
Used sarcastically to encourage someone to analyze something in a deeper way, usually when mocking something ridiculous.
💬 “老板说加班是为了团队凝聚力,你品,你细品。” (The boss said working overtime is for team bonding… think about it, really think about it.)
💬 “这种剧情居然还能播?你品,你细品。” (This kind of plot actually made it to TV? Think about it, really think about it.)
40. 地狱笑话 (Dì Yù Xiào Huà) – “Dark Humor”
Refers to offensive or politically incorrect jokes that may not be suitable for everyone.
💬 “这条评论太地狱笑话了,笑死我了。” (This comment is such dark humor, I’m dying laughing.)
💬 “地狱笑话这种东西,懂的都懂。” (Dark humor—if you know, you know.)
41. 懂的都懂 (Dǒng De Dōu Dǒng) – “If You Know, You Know”
Used to indicate that only those who are familiar with the context will understand the meaning.
💬 “这个热搜背后的故事,懂的都懂。” (The story behind this trending topic—if you know, you know.)
💬 “这句话不方便细说,懂的都懂。” (I can’t explain this in detail—if you know, you know.)
42. 封神 (Fēng Shén) – “God-Tier Moment”
Used to describe someone achieving an incredible feat or a performance being so good that it’s legendary.
💬 “这场比赛他的表现直接封神!” (His performance in this match was god-tier!)
💬 “这个角色的演技封神了!” (This actor’s performance was legendary!)
43. 笑拉了 (Xiào Lā Le) – “Laughing So Hard I Pooped”
A more dramatic way to express extreme laughter, similar to “XSWL” but exaggerated.
💬 “这个表情包配的文案太好笑了,笑拉了。” (The caption on this meme is too funny, I’m laughing so hard I pooped.)
💬 “看这条神评论,真的笑拉了!” (Look at this hilarious comment, I’m dying laughing!)
44. 画饼 (Huà Bǐng) – “Drawing a Pie (Empty Promises)”
Used to describe false promises or unrealistic visions that will never come true, often from employers or leaders.
💬 “公司又在画饼,说明年给大家涨工资。” (The company is making empty promises again, saying we’ll get a raise next year.)
💬 “你别再给我画饼了,我要实际行动!” (Stop making empty promises—I need real action!)
45. 醒醒 (Xǐng Xǐng) – “Wake Up!”
Used sarcastically to tell someone they are being naive or delusional.
💬 “你以为他会回你消息?醒醒吧。” (You think he’ll reply to your message? Wake up!)
💬 “想要工作又轻松又赚钱?醒醒!” (Want a job that’s easy and pays well? Wake up!)
46. 上大分 (Shàng Dà Fēn) – “Ranking Up”
Originally from gaming, this phrase now means improving or leveling up in any aspect of life.
💬 “这波操作太丝滑了,直接上大分。” (That move was so smooth—I’m ranking up instantly!)
💬 “这次考试考得很好,成绩上大分!” (I did well on this test—ranking up in my grades!)
47. 绝望文学 (Jué Wàng Wén Xué) – “Despair Literature”
Describes a dramatic, exaggerated way of expressing helplessness or suffering in daily life.
💬 “今天上班迟到了,老板盯着我看,感觉人生没希望了。” (I was late to work today, and my boss stared at me… I feel like life has no hope anymore.)
💬 “月底没钱了,还要交房租,绝望文学。” (It’s the end of the month, I’m broke, and I still have to pay rent—despair literature.)
48. 电子榨菜 (Diàn Zǐ Zhà Cài) – “Digital Pickled Vegetables”
A metaphor for cheap or free entertainment (like mobile games, short videos, or memes), which is considered a basic necessity for relaxation, much like how pickled vegetables accompany a poor person’s meal.
💬 “下班回家刷抖音,就是我的电子榨菜。” (Scrolling through TikTok after work is my digital pickled vegetables.)
💬 “有时候打打手游就很开心,电子榨菜yyds。” (Sometimes just playing a mobile game is enough—digital pickled vegetables are the best.)
49. 小作文 (Xiǎo Zuò Wén) – “Overly Long Emotional Post”
Refers to a lengthy, dramatic post or message that expresses strong emotions, often complaining about a situation.
💬 “才迟到五分钟,老板就发了篇小作文批评我。” (I was only late for five minutes, and my boss wrote a long emotional message criticizing me.)
💬 “分手后他给我发了小作文,但我根本没看完。” (After we broke up, he sent me a long emotional message, but I didn’t even finish reading it.)
50. 互联网嘴替 (Hù Lián Wǎng Zuǐ Tì) – “Internet Spokesperson”
Used to describe someone who perfectly expresses what others are thinking, often in a humorous or sarcastic way.
💬 “他说出了我不敢说的话,互联网嘴替!” (He said what I didn’t dare to say—Internet spokesperson!)
💬 “这条神评论太精准了,完全是互联网嘴替。” (This comment is so spot-on—Internet spokesperson moment.)